This is the third lesson of six that make up the most basic system for the understanding of the game. The theories studied in this application are used in all billiard systems.The stable area also uses the rule of half’s to obtain a perfect square result on the fourth rail. Although the examples of this area use a stroke similar to the one used in the critical area, the point of arrival in the first rail is "towards" the diamond instead of "at the front" of the diamond.
This lesson contains less plays than the previous lessons due to the large number of videos used to illustrate the techniques such as the use of decimal values, the use of the effect and the follow through stroke used to expand the natural angle. It also discusses the minimum and maximum returns of each position and the application of the rule of eights from diamonds 3 and four.
This lesson introduces the phenomenon of deviation of the cue ball when the speed applied is just the necessary needed to reach the third ball.